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What do you envision for your photo session?

Professional Portraits and The New Definition

In the the world of photography things are evolving at the speed of light and sometimes faster than that. People’s wants, needs and desires change all of the time. We are finding that the definition of a headshot and a portrait have similar and different definitions. The common headshot used to be just the head and shoulders. Now comes 2024 and what clients want are advanced headshots which are basically over the top portraits. If a really creative professional portrait is what you’re looking for then come to our studio and we’ll get creative. These are not ordinary times so why have an ordinary profile photo? See kid photos here.

Lighting For Professional Portraits in Studio Environment

Over the past years the way professional portraits are taken in the studio have changed in a big way with LED lighting. This type lighting can really help a photographer get creative. Don’t want to spill any trade secrets but LED lighting is a huge game changer especially if you are always looking to get more creative with your portrait sessions. At Richard’s Photography it’s our goal to stay on top of new lighting techniques. This is not to get confused with “Trends”. A technique far outweighs a trend as any portrait photographer can imitate the trends very easily then it becomes watered down. Then every website looks the same then it becomes as matter of who is charging the least for the same watered down “new fad”.

What Kind of Portraits and Poses Are You Going to Take?

That’s often a question that doesn’t have a canned answer. The main reason we can’t answer is because everyone is different and everyone has different personalities. It’s impossible to give a canned response. What needs to happen is let the photographer get to know you and vice versa. This is where being a professional portrait artist comes into play. The moment will just click all of  a sudden! You’ll see where your client’s personality, strong points and weak points are by asking questions while the photographer takes a series of professional portraits. It’s just one of those things where the photo session has to play out and not be focused on set poses and lighting etc. There will be so much excitement in the air that all of those pre-photo session questions and nerves go by the wayside and the essence of the moment and moments begin to show themselves. 

What to Ask of a San Antonio Portrait Photographer

Continuing with these thoughts about portraits and portrait sessions. The best thing you can do is find a photographer with a good online reputation and call the studio. Look at their website portfolio instead of just calling for prices. Pricing means nothing if you have not seen what kind of photo work they do. Also, not all headshot photographers do all genres of photography. Our specialty is working with adults in a professional environment, not babies or children. Talk to whoever makes the appointments and get a feel for the business and how they treat customers and they way they communicate with potential clients. 

Other Portrait Photographers and Their Photo Styles

Occasionally we get a potential client that sends us samples of work another photographer did. There’s two ways to look at this. Don’t expect that another photographer will do they exact same lighting, posing and have the same props. If it’s not their style of shooting don’t be surprised if you get a less than positive response. The second option is to contact that photographer where you got the samples from and hire them. It’s only fair to both parties and there won’t be any times wasted.

To make it short and simple, Trust the Photographer you Trust will create what you want, have seen their online portfolio, like the style of lighting and posing plus agree to their rates. Then hire them to provide amazing women’s portraits for you.

Richard’s Photography is a San Antonio based photography business.