team headshots on location

The cost of team headshots can vary depending on a number of factors, including the location, the photographer’s experience and expertise, the number of people being photographed, and the intended use of the photos. On average, a photographer may charge anywhere from $150 to $500 per person for team headshots. However, some photographers may offer discounts for larger groups or for businesses that require multiple sessions throughout the year. (Minimum 5 people for location) It’s best to reach out to several photographers in your area to get a better idea of their pricing and services. Take a look at our men’s headshots and samples of other work.

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Some rates that photographers in San Antonio may not discuss upfront with their potential clients could include:

  1. Overtime charges: If the photo shoot runs longer than expected, some photographers may charge an overtime fee for each additional hour or half-hour.

  2. Travel expenses: If the photographer needs to travel a significant distance to reach the location of the shoot, they may charge travel expenses such as gas, tolls, or accommodations.

  3. Editing fees: Some photographers may include basic editing in their package price, but more extensive editing may incur an additional fee.

  4. Prints and albums: Photographers may offer prints or albums of the photos for an additional fee.

  5. Sales tax: Depending on the state or country, photographers may be required to charge sales tax on their services.

  6. Licensing fees: If the client intends to use the photos for commercial purposes, the photographer may charge a licensing fee.

**Rush fees** If the client needs the photos delivered quickly, the photographer may charge a rush fee to expedite the editing and delivery process.


It’s important to have a clear understanding of all fees and charges associated with a photo shoot before signing a contract with a professional photographer. It’s recommended to ask the photographer about any additional fees or charges upfront, so there are no surprises later.

(Minimum 5 people for location)